2017 Buckeye Spirit Event was a huge success!

The 2017 Buckeye Spirit Event was a huge success ……almost 300 Buckeye fans joined us in celebrating ‘everything’ Buckeye! Thanks to so many wonderful sponsors, and donators of silent auction and live auction items for helping us reach our best ever Scholarship Fundraiser! We raised around $13,000 for scholarships! All proceeds will stay within Knox County to be award as scholarships to Knox County students who plan to attend The Ohio State University. Local students may apply for scholarships thru their high school guidance counselor.

Cornelius Green was delightful and humorous as he shared stories about his time as a Buckeye and insight into the locker room with his teammates and Coach Woody Hayes. TBDBITL provided an additional thrill with their rendition of all the great Buckeye tunes we all love.

Save the Date

Please reserve October 23, 2018 for the next event.


Volunteers welcome to plan and set up for 2018 BSE – please contact us at: knoxclub@osu.edu